The House of the Dead is getting a new “bonnet”

After 26 years, the roof of our “House of the Dead” needs to be re-covered. Dense trees in close vincinity, damage from wild animals and a gradual slipping of the southern posts all but destroyed the old roof covering.

Our “House of the Dead” – an attempt to construct a local Middle Bronze Age burial site – is getting a new roof. To do this, the old thatched roof had to be removed and built anew. During the removal of the old reed it was discovered that four of the 14 posts had slipped downwards. After these have been raised again, the roof battens (horizontal timbers for attaching the thatch) had to be replaced. Finally it is time for the thatcher to come!

The project is funded by the investment program of the state of Lower Saxony. Also part of the funding program: the ridge of our largest longhouse (No. III; 32 m long) will be re-covered and will now be able to withstand all of nature’s inconveniences.

April 1st – October 31st
daily 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m