Immerse yourself in history with VR goggles

You can discover six different theme worlds about the interaction between people and nature. This interaction can sometimes mean threat or responsibility, work or even beauty and sometimes it is viewed as a resource and also a subject of research. You can borrow the VR goggles at our reception free of charge.
“Nature is…


… Work”,
… resource”,
… threat”,
… Research”,
… Responsibility”,
… Beauty”.

13 museums from Lüneburg and the surrounding area came together to develop this VR app. You can experience the virtual world for yourself and wander through the Bardowick Mill or accompany a horse-drawn plow from the open-air museum on Kiekeberg at work while you sit comfortably in a chair in our museum. You will find the contributions of the Hitzacker archaeological centre on the topic “Nature is work”. There you can experience how it is working with the vertical loom or how a flint-sickle is used to harvest grain. A new world is opening if you let it!

April 1st – October 31st
daily 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m